Freeze Your Credit Before You Report to Prison

Before heading to jail, it’s highly important to take precautions to safeguard your financial identity, which includes placing a freeze on your credit. Prisoners are particularly susceptible to identity theft, a situation that is compounded by their limited capacity to monitor and react to fraudulent activities. The damage could be substantial by the time they … Read more

Who Should Write Your Pre-Sentencing Character Reference Letters?

Expertly written character reference letters can play a pivotal role for a defendant facing sentencing. Such letters serve to present the individual in a light that goes beyond the strictures of court proceedings, offering the judiciary a glimpse into the defendant’s character and the beneficial effects they’ve delivered to their community or family. This form … Read more

What to Bring When You Report to Federal Prison Camp

Moving into a federal prison setting necessitates extensive readiness and a firm grasp of what belongings are allowed. For a lot of people, possessing some personal items can greatly ease their adaptation to life behind bars, offering both tangible comforts and psychological solace. However, the obstacle comes with understanding and adhering to the stringent policies … Read more

How to Calculate How Much Time You Will Actually Serve in Federal Prison

One of the strange complexities of preparing for federal prison is it’s not always clear how much time you’ll serve in prison, even after sentencing. This is largely due to the existence of programs where an incarcerated individual can earn time credits to reduce their period of incarceration. It is these programs, outlined below, that … Read more